We have made an exhibition stand that simulates a heating point for a hot water supply system with a steam heating medium. The heating station allowed to show the following main equipment:
- a cyclone steam separator produced by OPEKS for obtaining dry saturated steam,
- pilot pressure reducing valve of the Japanese company Yoshitake,
- direct acting temperature controller,
- shell-and-tube heat exchanger manufactured by OPEKS (THERMAKS),
- safety valve for LESER steam,
- Yoshitake float steam trap,
- boiler with a stainless steel coil produced by OPEKS,
- shut-off and control valves with bellows seal,
- circulation pumps WILO, GRUNDFOS
Heaters, OPEKS gasketed heat exchangers, SWEP brazed heat exchangers and other equipment for municipal and industrial energy were also presented.
We sincerely thank our partners for another reason to meet and discuss plans for cooperation, as well as visitors, friends and regular customers, for their high interest in the equipment presented and orders left right at the stand.