Energy saving issues at industrial enterprises are the most important strategic issues, the solution of which allows saving significant funds. The prospect of a continuous rise in energy prices, both in the near and distant foreseeable future, obliges to think about the modernization of existing installations in order to increase efficiency (efficiency) and, as a result, reduce the consumption of gas and other energy resources. Reducing costs is one way to increase profits.
The OPEKS ENERGOSYSTEMY company offers units for the utilization of hot flue gases. The photo shows a heat exchanger made entirely of stainless steel, which reduces the temperature of the exhaust flue gases from 170 C to 60 C, while water with a flow rate of 45 m3 / h heats up from 45 to 85 C, removing a power of 2100 kW. The heat, which was previously simply thrown into the atmosphere, makes it possible to provide the entire administrative block of the enterprise with heat and hot water. Such activities also bring great benefits to the environment, reducing the so-called thermal pollution of the environment. The equipment is designed and manufactured according to individual orders.