OPEKS ENERGOSYSTEMY has designed, manufactured and supplied modular heating units (MTP) of high power for the boiler house of the famous textile factory "Kupavna". The total maximum capacity of 2 blocks for the heating system exceeds 9 MW. Each unit with a capacity of 4.6 MW includes a plate heat exchanger of its own production by OPEKS ENERGOSYSTEMY, a pumping group based on WILO circulation pumps, an automation cabinet with a controller that regulates the temperature of the supply water for the heating system according to the schedule, depending on the outside air temperature. The automation system provides for a smooth change in the power of the pumps and, accordingly, the flow of circulating water using frequency control. This will reduce the consumption of electricity by powerful pumps in the event that there is a change in load (switching on or off consumers). Also, a modular heating unit was designed and manufactured for a hot water supply system with a capacity of 0.8 MW with automatic maintenance of the set hot water temperature.