Temperature regulators
- Manufacturer: Yoshitake
- Material: cast bronze, fluoroplastic, stainless steel
- Manufacturer: Yoshitake
- Material: ductile iron, stainless steel
- Manufacturer: Yoshitake
- Material: cast bronze, phosphor bronze, stainless steel
- Manufacturer: Yoshitake
- Material: phosphor bronze, stainless steel
- Manufacturer: Yoshitake
- Material: cast bronze, phosphor bronze, stainless steel
- Manufacturer: Yoshitake
- Material: cast iron, phosphor bronze, stainless steel
- Manufacturer: Yoshitake
- Material: cast iron, phosphor bronze, stainless steel
- Manufacturer: Yoshitake
- Material: cast iron, phosphor bronze, stainless steel
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Temperature regulators (direct acting)
Temperature regulators in heat engineering are, as a rule, complex (composite, multi-element) products intended for thermoregulation of the state of the heat engineering system in automatic mode, by maintaining the temperature of the working environment in a given range of values: in a continuous mode, or according to a time schedule. With regard to the heat supply system, this is a control valve and a drive (direct action, electric or pneumatic). In this section, we describe direct acting temperature controllers.
Rice. Clorius direct acting temperature controller.
Types, tasks and areas of application of thermotechnical temperature controllers
There are a lot of options for the technical implementation of the thermoregulation function of a closed heat engineering system. Thermal controllers can be:
A) By place and tasks to be solved in the system:
1. Main temperature controller. It is installed in the very “heart” of the heat engineering system, directly after the heat generator (water or steam boiler, boiler) or at the entrance to the heat-using equipment. Its task is to regulate the temperature of the heat carrier supplied from the heat source to the consumers. Can directly control parameters:
- thermal power supplied to the heat-using equipment;
- the volume of supply of hot coolant to the system: a) by limiting its supply with a controlled two-way valve; b) by controlling the temporary mode of turning on the central circulation pump;
- the temperature of the coolant supplied to the system, by mixing in a controlled three-way mixing valve of the mixing type of the cooled coolant from the return line to the excessively hot flow of the supply line;
2. Subscriber thermostat. Installed at the inlet of a separate circulation circuit with several consumers, as part of a multi-circuit heating system (for example, one of the branches of the heating system of an apartment building, powered by a heating plant, or even apartment thermostats). Its task is to regulate the temperature of the coolant directly in the circulation circuit. Can control parameters:
- the volume of supply of hot coolant to the circuit (using a two-way valve or a circulation pump);
- temperature of the coolant supplied to the circuit (using a three-way mixing valve).
3. Thermostat at the inlet of the heat exchanger or heater (radiator). It allows you to control the thermal power of a specific heat exchanger by limiting the supply of hot coolant with a thermostatic-type regulator. The scope of application of such local thermostats is very wide: from the control of technological processes in various industrial heat exchangers, reactors, digesters, to the regulation of the thermal regime in each separate heated room.
B) By the nature of the equipment for which they are intended, thermostats can be:
- for gas boilers and boilers;
- for electric boilers and boilers;
- for solid fuel boilers;
- for heating points (branches of separate circulation circuits);
- for local heat exchangers, heaters (depending on the parameters of the working environment).
C) By the type of control, thermostats can be:
1. Direct action, when the volume of supply of the coolant (or fuel, electricity, air) directly depends on the results of measuring the temperature of the coolant in the system (circuit, apparatus). In this design, both the measurement of the temperature of the medium, and the control of the executive body (valve, relay, damper, etc.), as a rule, is carried out by a thermosensitive element that changes its physical parameters (length, volume of liquid in the thermoballoon) in proportion to its temperature.
Direct-acting thermostats are characterized by simple design, unpretentious operation, long service life, cheap purchase, installation and maintenance. They are completely non-volatile, do not require the supply of power supply and control cables, their correct operation does not depend on the stability of the power supply, and they provide a high reaction rate of the control (regulating) action.
But at the same time, direct-acting thermosensitive elements cannot provide high accuracy in measuring the temperature of the coolant (where it is required), and more energy efficient weather-dependent or programmable (daily, weekly) control modes in heating and air conditioning systems, where the issue of energy efficiency is a priority.
By design, direct-acting thermostats can be with built-in (thermostat) and external (thermo-bulb) thermosensitive element. Accordingly, the measurement of the temperature of the environment can be carried out directly on the thermostat, or away from it, in the most priority section of the system or heat exchanger.
2. Thermostats with remote control, which can be carried out both by electric wires and by wireless communication channel (Wi-Fi, WiMax, etc.). This class of devices for controlling the actuator drive already has a full-fledged control unit, in the form of:
- mechanical timer of the hour type (the simplest version);
- electronic analog programmer with pattern programming and remote control of parameters, both in single-task (single-zone) and multitask (multi-zone) versions;
- digital programmer with arbitrary programming, remote computerized control of parameters and correction of the program, both in single-task (single-zone) and multi-task (multi-zone) versions.
The design and principle of operation of the direct thermostat
A typical direct-acting thermostat for the most common heating systems, in which water or steam acts as a heat carrier, as a rule, consists of:
- executive pipeline fittings, in the form of a two-way or three-way control valve for control;
- the actuator of the valve spool stem, based on a movable corrugated piston-bellows;
- a control thermostat assembly, consisting of a rod temperature sensor and a setter of control parameters;
- capillary tube connecting the thermostat and the working chamber of the bellows.
The interconnected rod thermal sensor, capillary tube and the working chamber of the bellows form a single closed space filled with a special temperature-sensitive medium (liquid, gas or gas condensate). The rod thermal sensor is installed immersed in the working coolant, and through its walls the temperature-sensitive medium perceives its temperature. With an increase in the temperature of the coolant, the temperature-sensitive medium, which has a large coefficient of thermal expansion, increases its volume, and, accordingly, the internal pressure. The pressure of the medium, through the capillary tube, acts on the bellows piston, which presses on the valve stem. The spool, lowering, gradually overlaps the flow area of the valve, until it fully fits into the seat and completely blocks the flow of the coolant into the system. When the temperature of the coolant in the system drops, the temperature-sensitive medium of the temperature sensor, having cooled, loses in volume, with a simultaneous drop in internal pressure. A decrease in pressure through the capillary tube is transmitted to the working chamber of the bellows, which leads to a decrease in the force acting on the corrugated bellows. As a result, the bellows, gradually straightening, pulls (raises) the spool stem. The spool, rising above the valve seat, opens the flow area, and the hot coolant from the discharge line begins to flow through the valve into the system.
Economic and technical advantages of using direct temperature controllers
Thermoregulators, being one of the key elements of automation of control of heat engineering systems, can achieve a very high economic effect due to:
- ensuring the passage of heat exchange processes in the most efficient technological modes;
- optimization of heat energy consumption, which ultimately leads to savings in fuel and (or) electricity;
- the ability to maintain a given temperature of the coolant, for example, for a hot system, water supply, technical process;
- extension of the service life of heat exchange and other heat engineering equipment (prevention of overheating).
In technical terms, the positive effect of using thermostats is:
- in ensuring trouble-free operation of heating equipment, in the optimal operating temperature range for it;
- in ensuring a high reaction rate of the control action on the operating (temperature) parameters of the system.
Parameters for calculating and selecting a direct-acting temperature controller
To calculate (select) a direct-acting thermostat for a specific heating system, you should prepare (know) the following technical parameters:
- The range of operating temperatures maintained by the thermostat, deg. WITH.
- Maximum permissible temperature of the working medium in the discharge line, deg. WITH.
- Required maximum flow rate of the heating agent through the regulator valve, m 3 / h.
- Pressure in the discharge line, MPa.
- Hydraulic resistance (pressure loss) in the controlled circuit, excluding the hydraulic resistance of the regulator valve, MPa.
- Parameters of connection of valve branch pipes to the pipeline system (bore diameter DN, threaded, flange connection).
Temperature regulators in the range of OPEKS Energysystems
Specializing in the production of high-quality heat exchange equipment for various technological purposes, OPEKS Energosystems strives to offer it as much as possible in combination with all the necessary fittings and equipment for heat engineering piping.
In the segment of thermostats, our company offers mainly direct-acting temperature regulators, the use of which with technological heat exchangers operating in stable thermal conditions is the most optimal. Our assortment includes only the highest quality thermostats, produced by the world (Japanese company Yoshitake, Danish company Danfoss) and European (company Clorius, also from Denmark) market leaders of heating equipment and fittings, In our offer you can choose thermostats for the following operating conditions:
- for work with hot water, saturated and live steam, water-glycol mixtures, other working media;
- made of high quality corrosion-resistant materials: cast iron, stainless steel, brass, bronze;
- for work in conditions of high pressures (up to 40 MPa) and temperatures (up to 350 degrees C);
- with different throughput and connection dimensions.